Explore the different options for those seeking humanitarian assistance.

You have suffered persecution or fear that you will suffer persecution due to: Race; Religion; Nationality; Membership in a particular social group; Political opinion. Work is authorized after certain conditions are met. Self-Petition is allowed.
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You qualify to file if you are a: -Spouse of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. You may also file as an abused spouse if your child has been abused by your U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse.  -Parent: Parent of a U.S. citizen, and you have been abused by your U.S. citizen son or daughter. -Child: You are an abused child under 21, unmarried and have been abused by your U.S. citizen or permanent resident parent. Work is authorized under certain conditions. Self-Petition is allowe
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Protect certain immigrants who entered the U.S. as children from deportation and make them eligible for work permits. New applicants: Contact us for updated information. Renewal: Contact us for updated information. Self-Petition: Yes.
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The Secretary may designate a country for TPS due to the following temporary conditions in the country: Ongoing armed conflict (such as civil war); An environmental disaster (such as earthquake or hurricane), or an epidemic; Other extraordinary and temporary conditions. Who Qualifies:Â Contact us for updated information. Self-Petition:Â Yes.
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You may be eligible for a U nonimmigrant visa if: You are the victim of qualifying criminal activity; You have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of criminal activity; You have information about the criminal activity; You were helpful, are helpful, or are likely to be helpful to law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of the crime; The crime occurred in the U.S. or violated U.S. laws; You are admissible to the U.S.
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Eligible for T status if you: Are or were a victim of a severe form of human trafficking; Are in the U.S., American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or at a port of entry due to trafficking; Comply with any reasonable request from a law enforcement agency for assistance in the investigation or prosecution of human trafficking; you would suffer extreme hardship involving unusual and severe harm if you were removed from the U.S.; you are admissible.
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