Live and work permanently in the United States.

Persons with extraordinary abilities in science, art, education, business and sports Job Offer is Not Required. You may self-petition. Labor Certification not required.
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Persons who are outstanding professors and researchers recognized internationally. Job Offer is Required. Cannot Self Petition. Labor Certification is not required.
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Executives and managers who are to be employed by a U.S. company that has a parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or home-office business abroad in which the executives or managers have worked for at least one year within the last three years. Job Offer is required. You may self-petition. Company Owners may self petition with their own companies. Labor Certification: Not required.
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Foreign nationals who are members of professions holding advanced degrees or their equivalent. Job Offer is Required. Labor Certification is Required buty you may apply for a Waiver of Labor Certification if you can show that employment in the U.S. would greatly benefit the nation as a whole. Self Petition is not allowed.
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Foreign nationals who have exceptional abilities in the sciences, arts or businesses. Job Offer is Required. Labor Certification is Required but you may apply for a Waiver of Labor Certification if you can show that employment in the U.S. would greatly benefit the nation as a whole.
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Professions holding bachelor degrees or their equivalent, skilled worker, professional, or unskilled worker (other workers) depending upon your education, skills and work experience. Job Offer is Required. Self Petition is not allowed. Labor Certification is Required.
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Ministers and non-ministers in religious occupations and vocations. Job Offer is Required. Self Petition is not allowed. Labor Certification is not required.
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Persons with an advanced degree OR persons with exceptional abilities whose type of work is within the national interest of the U.S. Job Offer is Not Required. Self Petition is allowed. Labor Certification is not required.
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2655 S Lejeune Rd., Suite 307
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Click to Book Appointment
Tel: +1 305-728-3110
Email: info@garceslaw.com
Whatsapp: +1 305-929-3120
Skype: garceslaw
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